Crystal Children

Crystal children are children who are part of the group of new age children. It is said that since 2002 every child is born as a new age child, but not as a crystal child. What makes these children so fundamentally different?

Characteristics of Crystal Children

High consciousness

Crystal children are born with a very high intuitive awareness. They see and hear everything from others. They are also very receptive to energies that others often do not perceive. Crystal Children are often psychic. This giftedness ensures that they can perceive other things, such as ghosts.

Power supply

Crystal children may have an allergic reaction to food. Food and drinks are best offered in small quantities, preferably 6 to 8 times a day. The children often drink water and can benefit greatly from organic food.

To see

Yet another striking feature of these children is their eyes. Crystal children are born with exceptionally large eyes. The eyes are often blue, sometimes brown. These eyes can see right through you, right into your soul. People who are viewed by a crystal child sometimes feel naked, because they have the feeling that the child sees everything.


These children are very wise. They are often middle-old to old souls who have returned as crystal children. These children do not allow themselves to be told just anything. Their own wisdom tells them what to do.

High sensitivity in Crystal Children

Crystal children can often be characterized as highly sensitive. They can react extremely to stimuli. E.g.:

  • labels in clothing, which chafe on sensitive skin.
  • bright light.
  • loud noises (e.g. in a classroom).
  • busy environment, e.g. a large crowd of people.

They can withdraw completely into themselves and build a figurative wall around themselves. Or they may take it out by exhibiting very busy behavior. Screaming, kicking, hitting, tantrums, can then occur.


Crystal children are born as particularly wise children who will often hold a mirror up to us. Due to their very sensitive nature, they must be protected against too many external stimuli. They will give a lot of love and respect, provided they are treated that way themselves.

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