Ten reasons to put away the television

What is it that people get out of watching television? Do you watch anything on television, as long as it moves? Is everything you look at very interesting? Most men I know want company, which is why a man often has the television on while he’s doing something else. Watching television teaches your children from bad examples, deteriorates your relationships and is bad for your physical health. Are we afraid of silence? Put your television outside the door!

Member of the family

Nowadays the television is more of a member of the family, which everyone should take into account, than an object of use. We eat early, put the children in the bath and in bed so as not to miss the eight o’clock news. When my son asks if we can eat a little later so he can finish his homework, that is not possible because dad wants to watch studio sports at seven o’clock.

How much television is watched in the Netherlands

On average, people in the Netherlands watch television for three hours and eleven minutes per day. That is 22.11 hours per week. 98 percent of Dutch households have a television. It is expected that 1.6 million flat screens will be sold this year. A few years ago, it was thought that the television and the laptop would become one. That the viewer with the keyboard on his lap in front of the television would determine what he would see on the television. Watching television via the internet is becoming increasingly popular. The program Uitzendinggemist.nl was viewed 56 million times throughout 2005 and in the first four months of 2008 this program was already viewed 51.1 million times.

Television behavior abroad

The fact that there is a big difference between television behavior in the Netherlands and a country like Greece, for example, becomes clear when you visit. In the Netherlands, the television is immediately turned off when visitors arrive, unless the visit is specifically for a football match, for example. When you visit someone in Greece, it is normal for the television to already be on. This does not turn off when visitors come. It is often the case that if you come to visit and the television is not on by chance, it is still turned on. In Greece, every self-respecting restaurant has a television. There is also a television in the local café. Now this does not mean that they want to watch television even when they have visitors or are out to eat. The thing just hangs there and provides image and sound.

Ten reasons to get rid of the television

There will be plenty of reasons to ditch the television, here are the best ten.

  1. Many programs set a bad example for young children. Good reason to get rid of the television, it’s better for the children.
  2. You are just sitting on the couch with a book and a glass of wine, when your partner comes in and casually turns on the television. Good reason to throw that thing out the door (not your partner), that’s good for your peace of mind.
  3. When you are watching television, do you respond when your partner asks you something? And does your partner respond to a question or comment while watching? Get rid of that thing, it’s better for your relationship.
  4. How often do you as a family play a game in the evening after dinner? Or will everyone plop down in front of the television? Get rid of that television, it’s better for the family.
  5. Sport on television and if you don’t want to miss it, go to a match with friends. Or better yet, exercise yourself. No time because you’re sitting in front of the television? Just put that television away, it’s better for your body.
  6. Do all the annoying and downright horrible things happening in the world make you depressed? Good reason to put the television on the sidewalk, it’s good for your psychological well-being.
  7. Do you regularly lose yourself in television? Any pastime is allowed, but make sure you don’t lose yourself in it or you may become jaded. Get rid of the television, it’s better for your personal growth.
  8. Suppose you are unexpectedly invited to a fun party, but now it is exactly on the evening that your favorite series is on television. Is that why you’re not going to the party? Put your television in the trash, that is much better for your social life.
  9. Does your dog regularly wait until you have finished watching television? Throw away your television, it’s better for your relationship with your dog.
  10. When you have a television in your home because you really don’t want to miss the news. Good news, you can also view news items via the internet. So get rid of that television.

If you think it is too drastic a measure to put your television in the trash, first try to put the television in another room. If even that is too difficult, you can try focusing. Find a program in advance that you really want to watch and only turn on the television when that program starts. Of course, you immediately turn off the television after the program. Don’t smuggle, okay!

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