Feel good about yourself!

Feeling good about yourself is a frequently used statement and yet we do not always act on it, after all we only have to look at the business that plastic surgeons have in beautifying women’s faces, bosoms, abdomen, legs or buttocks. Women who are not satisfied with what they have simply have it beautified. Making an appointment with the plastic surgeon seems as simple as buying a loaf of bread. Nowadays, plastic surgery stands out because there is so much to do about it and television programs emphasize how beautiful it can make you. People who go too far in what they have done (where BDD, body dysmorphic disorder goes even deeper), often say that it can be done and the money can be raised, so why not. Of course, everyone should know it for themselves, but the fact that we are not satisfied with who we are (one in ten of young women in the Netherlands wants to have something done and the number is growing) is something that is certain. What is the cause?

Role models

You can of course blame the modeling world, because they show the standard and the standard does change, but one thing is true: a model must be super slim, otherwise the clothing will not fit optimally. While the common average women’s size is 40, a model is considered sturdy if she has a size 36.
Especially in an uncertain period of life, puberty, people still cling to something that is a kind of certain factor, being very slim. Meeting a standard that is considered beautiful and where you do not stand out but blend in with the crowd. Very few meet the ideal image and if they do meet it, for how long? The dissatisfied (young) woman is born where that dissatisfaction can result in low self-esteem.

Eating Disorder

Developing an eating disorder may be influenced by the media, but it is not the cause. According to the specialists, the causative agent is caused by not only genes, but also psychological, educational and socio-cultural factors. Yet the link is often made.

Self image


A negative self-image is not only related to appearances, but also to perseverance. Going for something and working towards it at all costs is not something that is generally accepted. Partly due to the Dutch Calvinist slant, just act normal, then you are acting strangely enough, any form of expressing passion and creativity (e.g. in appearance and behavior) is beaten to death and it is easier to blend in with the common denominator. That common denominator is imposed by the outside world and then the circle is complete again. Perhaps somewhat exaggerated, but with an explicit basis.


Self-image can also be positively influenced and starts with yourself.

  • Look at yourself in the mirror and try to say out loud that you are welcome. Saying that only makes sense if there are aspects of it that you really find attractive (and everyone has attractive points!). Start at the beginning and take some small aspects if necessary. For example, if you have beautiful hair, make sure you have a good style and let your hair really stand out. Beautiful hands and matching nails can also be eye-catchers or you feel a little too round around the hips and breasts, but a nice waist… then emphasize this waist. Banish the negative aspects for yourself and emphasize the positive aspects.
  • Try to look at the statements in the media with an objective view and look at them very carefully. The super smooth brown legs of a random model are often not even real. As if she doesn’t have a bump, a hole or a spot. The only women who look like this are the photoshopped ones and mannequins.
  • Don’t talk about how many kilos you still have to lose, what is too fat about you and that you think you have a strange nose. All this is not good for your self-image. Your negative feeling only reinforces this, so the moment someone or you bring it up… change the subject. If desired, just pronounce it. Regardless of the fact that there are nicer things to talk about, you can’t feel like talking like that. That’s fine.
  • Enjoy every day and do it intensely. Find at least one moment when you experience something intensely (in a positive sense) and one moment that makes you laugh. Let the feeling come in really well.



It is becoming a problem in itself and it is too easy to attribute it to the changing society. After all, if that is the case, you can easily reverse it. This does not mean that an additional article such as this will turn the switch. But all the attention in this matter can make people think and let that be just a start!

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