Growing up: Physical development in the adolescent

Adolescence is a period of great change for young people. The body changes on the inside, but also on the outside. Getting pimples and body odor is not pleasant for the young person, but it is something that comes with it. Menstruation and ejaculation become a normal phenomenon in the adolescent’s life. If the adolescent knows what is going to happen and caregivers can guide him well, this can help him get through this period more easily.

Physical changes

Not only psychological changes take place when the child turns into an adolescent. Biological and physiological changes also take place. These processes begin just before the adolescence period and culminate in the adolescence period. These processes influence behavioral patterns and are important for emotional developments. That is, these processes have a direct influence on the development of the personality of the developing adult. There is an increased production of growth hormone and the young person grows faster than ever during this period. The annoying thing is that not all parts of the body grow at the same rate, often it is the legs and arms that grow the fastest and become lanky in length. As a result, the relationship between the torso and the limbs is often difficult to find. The adolescent has lost coordination between his body and the world. Young people often trip over the strangest things and regularly knock over objects. Sometimes it seems as if the adolescent cannot remember where his limbs are.

Youth pimples

Both sexes suffer from the changes that the skin undergoes. Because the oil secretion in the skin increases, young adults get pimples. The pores also become coarser and the skin rougher. Body odor changes because the composition of sweat changes. These processes often make young people insecure and feel ugly and dirty. They therefore believe they are different from others and become insecure. During this period of body change, cosmetics, nice-smelling soap, facial cleansers and a nice scent are very important for the young person’s self-confidence.

Sexual changes

There are two different types of sexual characteristics in which changes occur. The primary sexual characteristics, these are the sexual organs and the secondary sexual characteristics, these are the external characteristics. Considering that many mammals reach sexual maturity within a year of birth, humans are quite late in sexual maturation. The average age at which girls reach sexual maturity has been calculated by biologists as fourteen years, for boys it is sixteen years.

The girl

A girl’s first period is still a milestone in her young life. In the beginning, girls have very irregular cycles. It is also not the case that a girl becomes sexually mature at the time of her first period, as many people think. The first bleeding occurs before mature eggs are developed. The girl will not be fertile until six to twelve months later. Although there can always be exceptions.

The boy

When boys have the first involuntary ejaculation during sleep, it is considered the beginning of the sexual maturation process. Often guys don’t even notice that first ejaculation. Therefore, this moment is difficult to determine for boys. The frequency with which ejaculations occur can be greatly influenced by the number of times a boy masturbates. There are still people who disapprove of masturbation, according to them it is sinful, it can make you mentally disturbed, you cannot have children later and more of this kind of nonsense. The fact is that masturbation is a completely normal phenomenon at that age. In fact, masturbation regulates excess involuntary ejaculation and reduces its frequency.

Psychological problems

Over the years, there have always been people who have considered the body and its maturation processes as dirty. These people do their children or pupils more harm than good. There is an express prohibition on touching the body, except to wash it. This often starts when a child is still very small. The first time you found out as a boy that it was fun to play with your penis, you were immediately told that you were not allowed to do that, because it was dirty. These types of reactions from parents or caregivers can cause psychological problems for a child for the rest of their lives. Fortunately, most parents and caregivers nowadays deal with the subject of sexuality normally. There is nothing strange about masturbation, neither for boys nor for girls. All experts agree that masturbation is not harmful to health at all.

Differences in ripeness

Similar to the insecurity that the adolescent gets from developing pimples and body odor, the young person can become insecure if he is slower than his peers. If a girl has not yet had her period and her friends have already had it a year ago, she may start to think that something is wrong. Even if her body is not growing as fast as that of other girls, a girl often worries. Or a boy who still talks in his boyish voice while other boys already have their beard in their throat. This can make an adolescent very insecure and is dangerous for self-confidence. An adolescent would feel much better if he were reassured in advance by parents or guardians. So that he or she knows that not everyone experiences these physical changes at the same age. As long as they know for sure that they will have to undergo these changes irrevocably.

read more

  • Growing up: The adolescence period
  • Growing up: Psychological development from zero to fifteen
  • Growing up: The baby phase
  • Growing up: Wow, I’m growing up
  • Growing up: Middle age

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