Love: advantages and disadvantages of a foreign love partner

In today’s technological society it has become easier to make contacts across national borders, just think of Skype or Facebook. More and more love relationships are developing between partners of different nationalities. Being in love with a partner from another country can be very enriching in terms of culture and social customs. But a relationship with a foreign partner can also have disadvantages. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a relationship with a foreign love partner?

Love partner of another nationality

In the twenty-first century world, borders are easy to cross and society has become more international. By plane you can reach another continent after just a few hours of flying, and with modern communication tools such as the internet you can easily communicate with people on the other side of the world. Consider, for example, Skype, Twitter or Facebook. It is therefore becoming more and more common for relationships to arise between people of different nationalities.

Love and romance

Love between two people can arise, for example, when you go on holiday abroad, or stay abroad for a long time for your studies or work. You will meet the man or woman of your dreams and it does not matter what nationality your loved one is. When you are really in love and romance is at its peak, your loved one’s passport is not really an important issue. Cupid doesn’t take into account what’s on your passport when he fires his arrows of love. As long as you understand each other, in any language, and can communicate with each other at a decent level, anything is possible.

Relationship with foreign love partner: advantages

Enriching culture

If you are with someone from another country, you will encounter a different background and a different culture. You will be confronted with things that are new to you, such as social customs, food and drink specialties, and nature and culture specialties. Taking in all that new can be a very refreshing experience. Indirectly, your love also opens the door to another culture.

New language

It is sometimes said that having a partner who speaks another language is the best way to learn a new language. When you are in love, your brain is more positive and can learn a new language more easily. Using the language constantly in daily life is also beneficial to practice it better. And even if your relationship will end one day, you will always remember something of the foreign language.

Relationship with a foreign partner: disadvantages

Cultural difference stumbling block

Discovering a new culture can be inspiring, but it can also have its drawbacks. Sometimes you have to deal with age-old, deeply ingrained traditions that are difficult to reconcile with your cultural background. This can cause stumbling blocks, especially in the areas of cohabitation, marriage and family. The requirements and practices of religion should also not be underestimated when it comes to acceptance in the family. This can make the social integration into society of your partner or yourself more difficult. This can put a lot of pressure on your relationship and threaten its sustainability.


Even if you can understand each other well in the native language of one of the two partners, communication problems can still occur. After all, only in your native language can you really formulate your feelings one hundred percent correctly, with the right words. If you have to speak in another language , you cannot always explain the right nuances. As a result, statements can sometimes be misunderstood and cause misunderstandings.

Practical and administrative difficulties

If you are together and decide to further develop your relationship, at some point you will take the step of moving in together. The question is in which country you want to do that. One of the two partners will have to go abroad, which will involve some practical matters. If you are with someone from the European Union, there are not many problems, but things can be different if your partner is from outside the European Union. For example, consider obtaining a Schengen visa , the passport of the new country, a work permit, etc. Certain rules that are typical for the country will also apply with regard to health insurance and possible unemployment benefits.

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