Healthy self-confidence gives an advantage in relationships

Many people do not dare to put forward their own good qualities. They are not convinced of their own worth and usually think that someone else is better than themselves. That’s a shame, because someone who appears insecure to others will not quickly gain respect and appreciation. This applies not only to the social environment, but also to the business environment. In such a situation, finding a good partner becomes as difficult as finding a nice job. The first impression is usually an indicator for the other person and if that impression is not very positive, it will not be changed quickly. So radiate self-confidence and security and don’t be afraid to present yourself. This must remain within logical limits. Those who brag and pretend to be better than they really are often reap the opposite.

Too little self-confidence when applying for a job

Especially when applying for a job, it is often noticeable that some people do not have a high opinion of themselves and their own qualities. They only apply for jobs for which they have a diploma. However, they do not dare to apply for jobs for which they have the capabilities, but no diplomas.


Take, for example, an administrative employee who does not dare to apply for an accounting position, even though she has done accounting in her father’s business for years, but does not have a diploma for it. That’s a shame, because if the company couldn’t find anyone with an accounting degree, they might have gotten that job after all.

Self-confidence is also very important within relationships

If in company you repeatedly accept the statements of others without protest and do not argue with them, when you do not agree with them or are better acquainted with the facts, you will not gain respect from the others. After all, they often know that certain statements are not entirely correct. They will think you are not very smart if you accept those statements as truth without a fight.

Don’t hide your knowledge and capabilities

You can certainly put forward your knowledge of facts. You will often find that good knowledge usually also receives approval from others. This earns you respect, which increases your self-confidence. However, only provide information about things you really know and are convinced of.

You are unique

If you properly assess and promote your own capabilities, others will also accept them at that level. The older you get, the more you will notice that you are not inferior to them . After all, you do your best and, with your character, your knowledge and your qualities, you are an asset to society and to all the people around you. You are unique, just like everyone else. It doesn’t matter whether you have a lot or little money. Anyone who judges you on this is doing it wrong and you can safely ignore it. It is about your inner values and the possibilities you use with them.

Too much self-confidence is not good either

However, always be honest and only make statements that you are certain of. There is a big difference between a braggart and someone with justified self-confidence. The first firmly claims things that he or she has no knowledge of and the second firmly claims things that he or she is familiar with and knows enough about.

The blowhard humiliates himself

The braggart who only wants an audience to increase his self-confidence is quickly unmasked. At the latest when one of the listeners knows more about the topic discussed and makes this known. Instead of strengthening his self-confidence, this actually undermines it. So the blowhard isn’t doing itself any good.

Discuss truthfully

Feel free to give your opinion and do not stand aside from a discussion if your opinion differs from that of others. It’s okay to say what you think about a certain matter, but don’t proclaim it as if it were the only truth. However, do dare to enter into a discussion about a subject you know a lot about. If others notice that you are familiar with that subject, you will also be listened to and you will receive respect and appreciation. That strengthens your self-confidence.

Everyone encounters dismissive attitudes from time to time

No one only meets people who like him or her. You can’t please everyone. There are people who cannot put you down at first sight, but you know that too. Stay away from those people and find people who like you, who you can have fun with, who you can talk to well and who you enjoy being around. Those people strengthen your self-confidence. Don’t take offense to people who approach you negatively, but avoid them. After all, you will not be able to change their attitude.

Know yourself and your qualities

Self-knowledge is the first step to self-confidence. Be honest with yourself. Find out what you are good at and what you don’t like at all. For example, if you cannot do odd jobs at all and you have two left hands, then do not start. You are probably good at something else that someone else may have little or no knowledge of. Every person has some good qualities and everyone can be a good asset to the people around him.

You too can be an asset to others

So try everything out. Find out what you can find within yourself. Sometimes you discover qualities that you did not know about yourself. For example, there are people who lost their job, but then found out that they are very good at running their own business and can earn good money from it.

Developing self-confidence by keeping up gives you an edge

Don’t get left behind. Stay current, no matter how old you get. Be aware of the latest developments in society, in technical, digital and social areas. Know what’s going on in politics, always follow the news, read newspapers and have a discussion here or there. It strengthens your self-confidence and your position within your social environment.

Don’t be afraid to apply

You know yourself best. If you see a nice job and think you have the capabilities for it, apply for it. Find information about the company. They like it if you are informed about the work, the products, etc. During the conversation, clearly indicate what you know and what you can handle and talk about your experiences.

Don’t be afraid to meet other people

If you see someone you like at parties or gatherings, approach them. Introduce yourself and start a conversation. Do not wait for the other person to come to you, because you can often wait a long time. After all, the other person may have just as much difficulty approaching someone else as you do yourself. So don’t wait for that, but go for it.

If building a relationship does not work, then there is no man left over

Just have a chat with people standing next to you at a meeting or talk to the lady at the supermarket checkout. It doesn’t matter, just start. You will often notice that the other person quite likes it and answers. Sometimes unexpected, but very nice relationships arise from this.

Self-confidence is the key to a better life

Those who develop more self-confidence will have an easier time in life. A large part of the fear of meeting others and of failure in your job and in social contacts will then disappear. With healthy self-confidence you can handle the world and daily life better.

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