After a broken relationship it is difficult to start over

A broken relationship has direct consequences for those involved. Especially for the one who is abandoned by the other. After all, the abandoned partner often does not dare to start a new relationship. Trust in other people and especially trust in the sex of the departed partner is completely damaged. Sadness, anger and despair compete for first place. Sometimes one feeling prevails, then another, so that it is difficult to do ordinary, everyday things, to go to work normally and to live normally. Yet that is possible. Just look around you. You are really not the only one who has been abandoned by your partner and is able to be happy again over time. and the others also seem to follow suit

Sick after a broken relationship

Some people even get sick from sadness. Nausea, no appetite, headache, enormous fatigue, lethargy, depression, it is all possible. Anyone who is left by a partner has often had an uneasy feeling about the relationship for some time.

People often did not want to think about it themselves

It was often hidden away, because the idea that one no longer means much to the other is actually difficult to bear. When a decision is finally reached and the partner really leaves, it is usually a huge shock for the person left behind.

A third party in the game makes dealing with the breakage extra difficult

It is even worse if a third party is also involved. People automatically start comparing themselves with the other person. What can the other person do better than me? Is he or she more beautiful? Does that person have more money? A nicer house? No or no children? It all plays a part. Anyone who is left for someone else experiences double grief, especially if one does not know whether the relationship started in secret a long time ago.

All alone after a broken relationship

The left-behind partner not only feels abandoned, but also lonely. Parents, sisters and brothers with whom one has good contact can often be a great support in that first period. The need to talk about the broken relationship may be great, but some abandoned partners also close in on themselves. They often don’t want to see anyone and postpone meetings.

Locking yourself in the sadness

However, that usually doesn’t work well. It does not improve the mood if one does not talk about it and keeps repeating the same sad images in one’s mind. That usually only increases the despair and even deepens the depression.

In the morning the sadness is often not too bad, in the afternoon too, but in the evening…

It’s usually still fine in the morning. If, despite everything, you have slept well and are rested, you can cope better. Especially with the distraction of a job and/or household. However, when one is tired in the evening, the whole sadness falls down in its full weight.

Talking and/or writing about being abandoned by the partner

Talking and/or writing down the frustration can help to clear the mind. Thoughts put into words are easier to understand and more real than when they just keep floating around in your head. It is a form of therapy that often helps to make the problem easier to understand. It can be the beginning of the healing process.

Working and staying busy after the breakup

When you are alone again after years of relationship, it is good to give new meaning to the hours you normally spent together. If children have been born from the relationship and you still have them at home, this will be slightly less difficult than if you are left completely alone as an abandoned partner. In that case, don’t stay alone.

Do something about the loneliness after you have been abandoned

Visit friends, go for a walk, have a coffee somewhere and socialize. Of course you will also meet couples in love there, which can give you a stab in the heart, but at least you will see other people and the fresh air during a walk will especially do you good. Nature can sometimes be a plaster on the wound. Also look for distraction in the form of a good movie, a concert, or simply the neighborhood theater, for example.

Facing people again

Many abandoned partners find it very difficult to face their neighbors and acquaintances shortly after the abandonment. Usually the family and any best friend know about a rocky relationship, but problems within a partnership are often well hidden from the outside world. However, try to be as level-headed as possible and bite through the sour apple as quickly as possible.

Ask others for help

If you really cannot tell yourself, ask someone else to tell those around you for you. The sooner those around you are aware of the broken relationship, the better it is for you. Your environment accepts the new situation and you don’t have to explain much anymore and certainly don’t have to bring it up yourself.

Look at others soberly

Try not to project your anger at your partner onto other women or men. Not all other men and women are as unreliable as your former partner. There are also people who are very reliable and you may come across one of them. It would be a shame if, because of your dismissive attitude towards the entire group, you were to reject the very one with whom you might one day be happy for life.

Look positively towards the future

Make plans to make the change in your life emotionally easier. Look forward and not back. What lies behind you has been difficult, but who knows what life has in store for you? So try to look positively at the future. Every new day is the first day of your future. You create that future yourself!

After the breakup it is difficult to start over, but it is possible

Starting over and starting life again is not easy. It takes courage to enter into new relationships and regain trust in other people. However, it is necessary to be able to move on and build a beautiful, new life for yourself.

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