Anti social behaviour

Antisocial behavior has always existed, but has increased in recent years. One scientist links it to the individualization of society and another links it to the different cultures that come together and collide at different levels of evolution. But that also makes a link between these two possible and there is a chance that they will strengthen each other.

Nothing new

Strictly speaking, antisocial or hypocritical behavior is not something new. From the past, the Dutch people are not known as subtle people. We are not really humble or look up to the notables and it has always been that way. In addition, the Dutch person says what he/she thinks and that quickly becomes rude. The cultures that mix with the Dutch create their own version of it (with what they bring with them from their own culture) and behold a society that is generally regarded as hypocritical.

It also benefits those stubborn and headstrong people and that is an individual with generally great self-reliance and trade. Because that big stubborn mouth is good for trading, although some people think that we have cultivated it too much and people are defecting. That also makes the difficult process of your own individual mind with a big mouth, versus favoring antisocial or hypocritical behavior.


What is striking is that some people are not aware of their antisocial behavior. Only when someone points it out do they realize that other people might be bothered by their behavior. About 95% of the Dutch population is antisocial at times and although this is very diverse, we are all guilty of it from time to time.

On the road

It will surprise only a few, but on balance we are the most antisocial in traffic (almost 75%). Driving extremely fast on the highway, but more importantly within built-up areas, is seen as very antisocial. We also find tailgating antisocial, not using the flashing lights and double parking antisocial. It is typical that we often respond to antisocial behavior with antisocial behavior. The result is swearing, giving the middle finger or approaching people in an overbearing manner. However, the distribution of men versus women is around 70% versus 30%.


Shopping also has its rules and if you break through them it is seen as antisocial and very disruptive. The most important thing is to call when you are paying and to quickly stand at the front when opening an extra cash register. Regarding the latter, we can still learn something from the English. Without saying anything, rows (wherever) move according to arrival.

Public places

In public spaces, which can range from the library to the bus station, several things have been seen as anti-social. Some examples:

  • Very present (in loud voice) calling.
  • Holding places by demonstratively placing bags.
  • Not passing each other neatly.
  • Letting dogs poop on the street and then not cleaning it up.
  • Throwing rubbish on the street.
  • Unsolicited smoking in (short) proximity to other people or in areas where it is prohibited.
  • Address pedantic or condescending.



Antisocial or hypocritical behavior is directly linked to power, although it impresses other people in a wrong way. Power is normally a kind of compensation and if the man or woman does not have the power to normally handle the aspect to be compensated, then a means of power such as foul language, tough behavior, etc. is a means to show that you are the boss. People pump themselves up, so to speak. I come first and the ego needs to be fed.


The short fuses are increasing and so are the anger management courses and that says enough about a society. It is important that the person who does not go along with it remains himself. Do not allow yourself to be intimidated and anti-social behavior is punished and this can be done in various ways. It is evident that schools play an important role in this with the people of the future, as well as the role of the government and society as a whole.

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