Viewing evenings and hosting for a (student) room: tips

Everyone has to face it at some point: leaving the parental home. But where to? You register on a chamber website, you ask around or you call in letters that hang in the local supermarket. And then just wait. Until the long-awaited phone call or email finally arrives: you can come and have a look. And what next? You naturally want to come across as the ideal tenant, so that they have to choose you for the room. But should you start showing off and bring presents, or should you appear as inconspicuous as possible? And how long should you hang around without it becoming annoying for the landlord? And how can you make demands on the room without seeming difficult? In this article you can read tips for the perfect viewing evening.

Prior to

Orient yourself to the room and what you already know about it. Where is it located in the city, what sights are nearby and how far is it from your work or university? This is not only useful for yourself, but is also good topics for discussion with landlords.

Most viewings are in the evening, so you may not finish until late. It is a shame to leave earlier because otherwise you will not catch the train, so it can be useful to arrange a place to stay with an acquaintance or a hotel nearby. Moreover, you can explore the area the next day. Ideally, you want to attend as many viewing evenings as possible, but it can seem stupid if you have to leave early after a while because you are going to look at other rooms. Then it seems like this room isn’t good enough for you. So make sure you plan your evening smartly so that there are no awkward moments.

What clothes should you wear? Well, just the clothes you always wear. When you finally get the room, you’ll be walking around in those clothes too. The best and most important thing you can do is just be yourself. You also want to choose you because of the person you are, not because of the play you perform.

Leave your parents at home! You will live on your own and will have to stand on your own two feet. Do your parents take you to the room? Then you offer them a nice cup of coffee in a café around the corner while you look at the room. If you are sure that you have been given the room, they can of course come by in peace.

Be on time! You may have to move to another city and are therefore still somewhat unfamiliar with the area and the streets there. So make sure you get to the room well in advance and always have a map of the area at hand. Better too early than too late!

The conversation

Of course, an evening like this is exciting. Still, it is important not to be too nervous. Don’t be blinded by this evening, but look ahead. Prepare some answers. The questions you receive are usually about your hobbies and your studies, but practical questions are also asked. Are you an evening or a morning person? How do you feel about eating together, and are you a tidy person? You know this about yourself, but sometimes it is still useful to list it out. Do you

need to bring a present? It’s certainly not expected, and something like a scented candle can seem quite slimy. However, a bottle of wine or a case of beer goes well with the more wild student houses. So first look at what kind of people the landlords are and decide what you do based on that.

Be interested in the landlords or co-residents. Not only does that come across well, but you also want to know what kind of people you will be dealing with. Maybe you have some things in common. A confident, firm handshake always goes a long way! Be enthusiastic about the room and show that you really want it.

Be honest. If they are looking for someone who will join them for drinks in the pub every day, and you would actually rather sit at home with a movie on the couch, then you should say so. Lying does not help either you or the landlords, because you both need to know who you will be living in the house with.

Ask your questions. It is better to realize now that this room is not for you, rather than until you have already moved in. Just be careful not to come across as annoying or whiny. There is a difference between asking questions and trashing the room.
Turn off your cell phone. It’s annoying when you’re just talking to the landlord and you’re interrupted by an annoying ringtone.

Know your own negatives. That shows self-knowledge and comes across as mature. Moreover, the landlords do not have to guess about it themselves. However, you should not only say negative things about yourself, because then there are few reasons to choose you as a tenant. Therefore, also give reasons why they should choose you. Why is this the room for you, and what makes you unique? Think about this carefully in advance.


Don’t linger longer than desired. When the evening is over, you leave again without sticking around for a while and making extra excuses for the landlords.

Wait for the phone call or email, and don’t call yourself. That comes across as impatient and it may well be that the landlord needs some time to consider who will get the room. If you have already found another room, it would be nice to call so that you no longer have to be taken into account.

Get used to rejection. There are so many others who are also looking for a room that sometimes it doesn’t work out. A rejection is not aimed at you as a person, but whether you fit into the household. Don’t give up, because there is a place for you somewhere too.

Good luck!

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