Islam is the second largest world religion

Islam is one of the largest world religions. This is particularly the case in Southeast Asia where more than 60% of the population is Muslim. This religion is also the most important form of faith in the Middle East. In total, there are 1.57 billion people in the world who are Muslim, that is, one in four people. Yet there is a lot of unfamiliarity with this religious movement that originated in Saudi Arabia. The Muslims know the Koran as the most important holy book.

  • Origin of Islam
  • Almost the largest world religion
  • The Five Pillars of Islam
  • Going on a pilgrimage to Mecca
  • The mosque plays a major role in faith
  • Power supply
  • Rituals
  • Movements within Islam
  • Are men and women equal in Islam?
  • The influence of the West on Islam
  • The fundamentalists


Origin of Islam

Islam originated in 622 AD in Saudi Arabia. Islam was brought to Europe around the end of the seventh century, and the Muslims were not interested in converting people to the faith, but in trading with the West. Today, Islam is the second largest religion in the world and has more than 1.5 billion believers. A follower of Islam is called a Muslim. But we also speak of Muslims or Mohammedans. Muslims assume that faith arose at the creation of the earth. The angel Gabriel gave revelations from God to Muhammad. The holy book is the Quran. This holy book has 114 chapters. The idea is that one takes it in through the ear and not through the eye. The spoken text is important. The Arabic word Islam literally means surrender to God. The Arabic alphabet has 28 letters and is written from right to left. Muhammad is only the prophet. But the revelations were also given to Moses and Isa. In that sense, the origins of faith can be compared to the Christian faith. The Quran mentions 25 prophets. The faith is monotheistic. There is only one God. Muslims believe that the Quran can only tell the real story in Arabic. Translations are of lesser significance. In addition to the Koran, the Hadith is also important in the lives of Muslims. Sharia was established from both. These are the laws. God is the creator of the universe.

Almost the largest world religion

Islam is not a church and has no ecclesiastical hierarchy. It is a world religion. People do not believe in the existence of original sin, but they do believe in a final judgment. Heaven and hell also exist in Islam. Islam has expanded in Asia in recent decades. For example, in Indonesia, for example, we see that the teachings of Islam are now more strictly observed in many places than in the last century.

The Five Pillars of Islam

Islam is based on five principles that one must live by. These are:

  • Testimony or shahada
  • Compulsory prayers five times a day
  • Fasting in Ramadan
  • Giving alms
  • Going on a pilgrimage to Mecca once.


Testimony or shahada

It is testified that there is no other god worthy of worship. Only Allah and Muhammad is the prophet.

Compulsory prayers five times a day

This is called salah. Although praying in the mosque is preferable, one can pray ritually anywhere and do this five times a day, starting at sunrise.

Fasting in Ramadan

During Ramadan it is forbidden to eat, drink, smoke or make love between sunrise and sunset. Exceptions are made for the sick, pregnant women, soldiers and young children.

Giving alms

Based on the idea that we have been loaned all goods, Muslims find it important to give part of their earthly possessions as alms. The assumption is 2.5% of income.

Going on a pilgrimage to Mecca

If possible, the Muslim is obliged to go to Mecca once in his or her life. The journey to Mecca was not that difficult in the early years because people were already traveling in the desert. And the origins of the faith lay in Saudi Arabia. For a long time, the journey to Mecca was an arduous pilgrimage for people, but nowadays people can use modern means of transport. A pilgrimage is called the hajj. People wear special clothing.

The mosque plays a major role in faith

A mosque or masjid is actually built according to the same principle everywhere in the world. There is a courtyard with a fountain or water basin so that weary travelers can refresh themselves before entering the mosque. Only then do you enter the prayer hall. There are no benches or chairs here. The visitors take a seat on the ground. When praying, the face is directed towards Mecca. This was taken into account when building the mosque. The shoes are taken off. The mosque has a staircase and a niche where the imam provides prayers. There is a minaret next to the mosque. From here people are called to prayer. It is striking to see how the mosque has the same construction everywhere in the world. For example, we see the round arches in the mosque in Cordoba, but also in Brunei or Istanbul.

Power supply

Islam provides rules regarding the use of food. For example, one should not eat pork. Food must be halal. One can eat dairy products and natural products such as vegetables, fruits and nuts and meat. But it does mean that animals must be slaughtered in a certain way. Drinking alcohol is also prohibited.


People visit the mosque on Friday afternoon. This can be compared to the Sunday celebration that Christians know and the Sabbath of the Jews. The immam is the pastor.

Movements within Islam

We know three movements within Islam:

  • Sunnism
  • Shiism
  • Sufism


Sunnism and Shiism

90% of all Muslims in the world are Sunni. Sunnism arose after the death of Mohamed when there was a struggle over the succession. Although Mohamed was married to nine wives, there was no successor. A Caliph was then appointed Abu Bakr. The Shiites disagreed. They chose another successor.


Sufism is a religious movement that originated in the seventh century. There were many followers in India. People mainly wore woolen clothing. The rose is an important symbol in this movement. Sufism is also seen as a mystical branch of Islam.

Are men and women equal in Islam?

In strict formal terms, the man and woman will be judged the same on the day of judgment. According to Islam, Eve did not commit a sin by eating the forbidden fruit, but Adam and Eve were both tempted by Satan. However, according to Sharia law, the man is the breadwinner and head of the family. The woman has the role of mother and wife. This does not necessarily lead to a subordinate position, but often has more to do with culture than with the rules of religion. In Islam, a man is allowed to marry up to four wives with the consent of the first wife. However, he must be able to support all four wives in the same way. Polygamy still occurs in the world of Islam. Mohamed himself was married to nine wives.

The influence of the West on Islam

The influence of the West on the Islamic population was great at the end of the nineteenth century. Concepts such as separation between church and state, democracy and freedom of religion have led to changes in faith. Fundamentalists arose out of dissatisfaction, but a more liberal movement also emerged.

The fundamentalists

There are fundamentalists in every religion. They want a return to the original teachings of the faith and do not want an interpretation of the scriptures. Among Muslims, fundamentalists believe that one must engage in struggle (jihad) to convert people to the faith. Sometimes this stream is called the sixth pillar of Islam.

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