Who takes a ‘time out’?

For some it is ‘the far-fetched show’ and for others it is an absolute must and for others it seems attractive or interesting, but does not know how to organize it. A time out or sabbatical is there to be used as a way to ‘take some time’, review the future, recover, etc.

Why a time out?

If you’re wondering why you should take a time out, you might want to consider whether it’s right for you. In these types of processes, your body often indicates earlier that something is wrong. This also means that listening to what your body has to say to you is essential. Some of the common reasons are:


A time out is often used (possibly even on the advice of a doctor) if you have been under stress for a longer period of time and you need to collect yourself. Continuing with the existing regime can then be the cause of failure to recover and a time out can help you become your old self again.

Life path

  • But a time out can also be the beginning of another phase in your life, a new beginning. A moment of pause in your life when you look back and wonder if this is it and whether you want to continue like this. Reorganize things, give your life a different twist . We are often dealing with people in their late thirties/early forties.
  • A recalibration can also lead to a continuation of your life, but the time out is only seen as an opportunity to take the time for the recalibration. After all, you cannot say in advance whether your life should take a different turn.
  • Or a time out closes off a certain part of life. For example, if you want to travel the world, because you want to have children afterwards and it is unlikely that that will happen.
  • But a time out can also be a moment of ‘nothing’. Not a two-week summer holiday, but a longer period of leaving the daily hustle and bustle behind and seeking out the silence, tranquility, history, sun, etc.



If a time out is preventive, then most people have already thought about it in advance. There is reason to think about it, because something is not going well or you are increasingly asking yourself whether you are getting enough out of life and questions of conscience whether you want to approach retirement in the current way. Many of the people who take time out for this reason do so without guidance. And in itself there is nothing wrong with that, but in your search you can also get lost, keep going in circles, etc. Then asking specific questions that require answers can help. An outsider is often able to formulate these questions a little better, after which you can move on. Nowadays you see so-called Life Coaches more and more. People sometimes call themselves Life Coaches when appropriate or inappropriate, but there are good and bad professionals in every profession. Moreover, it is important to have a connection with your Life Coach, otherwise it will not work anyway. First have a general conversation, whether it is anyone you want to tell your story to.

If you need to calm down or recover after a stressful period, you may have already had conversations with a GP or even a psychologist. Let him/her also guide you in this process, at least globally. If you have someone else with whom you have conversations, that is fine too, but it is important that this person is not emotionally involved. A third party can often be a little more focused (and sometimes critical) in the process.


The how is a bigger problem for some than for others, with finances often playing a role. Some companies have arrangements to allow you to take a break for a longer period of time, but you can also save for something as an individual and, if it is for a medical point of view, a doctor may decide that you should briefly enter the disease process (this is still possible if you are employed). , as a self-employed person it can be more difficult without insurance). But you will always be left with a group where a time out will lead to financial obstacles. There are no processes in life that you can cover 100%.


Some people think it’s popular nonsense and others can’t live without it. Everyone has to decide for themselves whether and, if so, in what form you still have a time out . Not everyone has the same approach to life and so there is a whole group of people who never have to deal with this. As long as people respect each other and treat each other with respect, there is not much to worry about.

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