An original baby shower card

Most of us have or would like to have one or more at some point. We mean children, of course. Couples have been together for a long time or not for a long time and ultimately decide to start having offspring. From the moment the woman becomes pregnant, a lot has to be arranged. And don’t think that you only need to visit the gynecologist regularly. There are also many other things on the programme. For example, arranging the baptism sugar, the birth announcement and a possible baby shower.

What is a baby shower

The birth of a child naturally involves a party. You can celebrate this on a small or large scale as you wish. Some people opt for a home visit, others prefer that the spectators all come to a room on the same day. That’s what we call a baby shower. You do not have to receive visitors every weekend and you may have more time to care for your new son or daughter.

Organization of a baby shower

In addition to determining what drinks you will provide and how you will satisfy people’s hunger, you also need to have a location. Some people choose to do this at home, others look for it while traveling. They both have their advantages. The location of the event is of course very important and must be determined in advance. After all, people should already know from the birth announcements where they will have to go in a few weeks or months to hear about the baby. That is why most people add an additional card with the information about the baby shower to the birth announcement.

A baby shower card

Some people have this printed together with the birth announcements, but there are of course more original ways to make a baby shower announcement. Below you can read a description of one of the options.



  1. Studying the birth announcement: color and shape
  2. Here we work with flowers in the colors purple and green (which were also visible on the card)
  3. Make a flower template (search the internet for a suitable flower, print it, cut it out, stick it on cardboard and cut it out again)
  4. Place this flower template on colored paper and trace the template. Then cut out the flowers. Make as many as you need of course.
  5. Make a template of a flower heart (you don’t have to use the internet, use a jar or a glass)
  6. Place this template on different colored paper, trace the floral heart template and cut out the hearts.
  7. Take hole punches with letters (occasionally available in Aldi for a very reasonable price) and start the word baby shower… at least 100 times. Don’t do too many letters at once because they are quite small and the slightest movement of air will literally make them fly.
  8. Stick the letters onto the heart using glue and a toothpick.
  9. Finally, stick the heart on the flower.

If you prefer to work with printed text, you must print it first. I did that too. This involves some measuring.

  1. Take the color that will make up your flowers.
  2. Print the text on this paper (as much as possible on the same sheet because we are thrifty)
  3. Then place your flower stencil on top of the text making sure everything is covered. If that is not the case, you will have to reduce your text or enlarge your flower.
  4. Trace the template around the text.
  5. Cut out the flowers.

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