Being childless can also be a conscious choice

Adults who are consciously childless often have to explain their position. It is assumed that everyone wants to have children. Attempts are made to have children at an increasingly later age. The career takes priority initially. This gives both partners the opportunity to fully dedicate themselves to the work initially. After the birth of the first child, it is difficult for both of them to continue working full-time.

Not everyone who wants to have a child will be able to have a child. There is also a group that consciously chooses to remain childless. People who decide to try to have a child must have a deeply held desire. Life will change completely from the birth of the first child.

Consciously childless requires an explanation

After getting married, or after choosing another form of cohabitation, partners are often asked about their possible desire to have children. As they get older, the questions will come up more and more often. From a certain age, the curious will become more careful with the questions. People will then be more likely to have the idea that they will not be able to have children. Even the explanation that a conscious decision was made not to have children still raises questions. In extreme cases, people will even argue for children.

What are the priorities?

Not everyone has the desire to care for children. Others who cannot have children, but do want to have children, may always find it difficult to do so. The people who consciously choose it have different priorities.

Wanting children is a good reason to end a relationship

Whether or not you want to have children can be crucial in a relationship. If there is no desire to have a child, it is asking a lot to have children anyway. Partners who have different opinions on this have a good chance that their relationship will not be able to withstand the mutual differences in the long term. Giving up a desire to have children because your partner does not want this remains difficult to swallow. The regret becomes even greater if the relationship eventually breaks down.

Advantages of not wanting to have children

Even someone who wants to have children has to weigh the advantages and disadvantages against each other. The benefits of children will ultimately win if the desire to have children is great. The benefits of not having children are great.

Money and income

Childless partners have lower costs compared to families with children. The income will also be higher, because both partners can continue to work full-time and continue to focus on their career.


Children bring limitations into the lives of their parents. Parents can no longer plan a holiday or just a night out at any time. The children must always be taken into account.

Benefits of having children

The benefits that can be mentioned will be experienced differently by people without children and a desire to have children. It adds something to life, but that does not apply to people who consciously choose to remain childless.

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