When the computer rules your life

Strictly speaking, the majority of people are crazy about new electronic gadgets and that is why so much is being produced all the time, there is simply more than enough market for them. More and more, more advanced and above all faster. We want to have the whole world on our (pocket) computer in just a few seconds. We no longer do it for less.

Under control

We could not have imagined in the eighties that it would take off like this. Working on the computer at the office and then a computer for home, that was about it. Of course, cell phones also started to become more popular, but not for school-aged youth. More from business life. Logically, because the cost picture was of course significantly different from the current one.

But gradually the internet came along and that had a huge impact, because suddenly the whole world was within reach with just a few keys. And not much later, working from home became normal, at least in terms of possibilities, but not yet in terms of application. Because relatively many employers still have difficulty working from home, especially for a number of functions (if these cannot be directly measured in terms of productivity, for example).

The flight took us

But the flight within these electronics has taken us and almost forces us in a direction. This means that some people no longer feel comfortable with it. If you look at what the small, handy computer can do, it will easily become an important part of your life. Some of the things you use regularly:

  • accessibility (!)
  • address file
  • agenda
  • calculator
  • notebook
  • radio
  • camera
  • photos
  • account management at the bank
  • news online


And then we “have to” so much…

Strictly speaking, your bag could perhaps be a size smaller, but it has also become so obvious that you are always available, you are expected to always be aware of all the news (as if you are constantly checking your news), your agenda with that of the business and, if possible, also with that of your partner. You have to pay at the bank if you want to transfer money the old-fashioned (paper) way, if it is still possible. If you don’t have your photos on a backup file somewhere, you could lose your most precious photos in the event of a crash, theft or incorrect download. And so on.

This means that we are slowly moving into electronics that we see as an extension of ourselves and the bad thing is that we can no longer imagine them. We can no longer do without it and with that we have made a start with the leading aspect of electronics.

Back to yourself

Back to yourself sounds nice and perhaps vague, but it is none of these things. It’s just about getting back to your own original value. That you follow your gut feeling and not only what the stock market says (for example when doing business), but that you also have a moment when you do not want to be available and do not need to know any news for a while. Tonight on the NOS news is early enough and just carry on.


Even though we all know we can turn that phone off with the push of a button, we usually don’t. Does that require a dose of courage? It seems so and that actually makes it the world upside down, because who decides whether you are available or whether others can look at your agenda or make appointments and whether you want to know what is going on in the world?

But it is not like that, because the majority of people are surprised when you say that they do not know a news fact or that you have deliberately not been available for a while. And only a very small part has an answer to that, in the trend I didn’t feel like doing that for a while. We usually end up in the apology and why? Because otherwise we wouldn’t belong? Are we considered old-fashioned or are we digitally challenged? And if so, so what?


If you don’t want something you normally say no, why not when it comes to this heavy and impactful load called a computer?

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