Sustaining yourself in uncertain times

If the economy is not on an upward trajectory, people are generally more cautious. After all, we have learned to keep something in reserve. But that also means that many people will start to live more cautiously, perhaps somewhat restrainedly, and it can even frighten some people. Yet it is important that you know how to hold your ground, because uncertain times will occur with some regularity. It’s just part of life. If you can pull yourself together, you will easily come out stronger. Some people immediately take it well or bounce back in times of uncertainty, if only for the adventure. Another person waits out the shower and another person has downright difficulty with uncertain times and can even become anxious or depressed because of it. The man or woman who always seeks certainty (and that is quite a large group) is having an extra difficult time in these uncertain times. But it is a psychological effect and that implies that if you really want it, there are some things you can do to strengthen yourself and become stronger in the process.

Letting go

The basis of the entire process is letting go, but that is easier said than done. What matters is putting things into perspective and considering how serious it is if your house no longer has the value it had a few years ago. Getting stuck in what if doesn’t add anything, deal with reality. For example, does it mean that you will have to live there longer than you thought? Did you already have in mind that you could buy an even bigger house? Then think about why you need a bigger house. Is your house not your home or is it a luxury problem? Then put things into perspective and focus with your home in mind. There is a cord on the house that runs towards you and see what that cord is like. If it is a cable, it can become a nuisance. Make sure you cut the cord, no matter how thick. Let it go and enjoy what you have in your hands NOW.

Try to do the same with other things that give you that insecure feeling. Will you still be able to pay for your child’s education? Can I still relax on holiday? Things go the way they go and being guided by the uncertain times can make you depressed. Let them go and you can’t do more than do your best to get it all done. Put things into perspective again and accept the current situation, where the next step is to enjoy it.

How do you get rid of the insecure feeling?

Letting go is important, but you have to know what exactly it is about. Sometimes we are not even aware of a number of things that lie dormant during times of uncertainty. Check it out for yourself and tackle it, you will ultimately make it a lot easier for yourself if you do something with it. Waiting and shivering through the period is not life, not really!

The value of things

Determine the value of things for yourself. Not everything has the same value, but as long as it is not necessary, people often do not look at it, which is not right. Think about what is really important to you, what really has great value to you. Make a list of things you really don’t want to miss and think about why. You will see that if you make it a conscious process, the list may not be so long after all. That gives you more space in your head about what you need to be happy. The smaller the list, the better it is.

Who is the other?

If you yourself are a little less strong, you tend to see other people who appear a little stronger as better / more competent. Apart from the fact that it can distort your judgment, it usually also brings you down. Appreciating yourself is important to be able to cope with uncertain times, the more so it radiates. Furthermore, it is good to realize who that (apparently) confident person really is.

Open minded

It is always good to have an open mind, but especially during uncertain times it can help you. Of course, as an adult you form your opinion at some point, but being open to other ideas/opinions enriches you and can nuance your worldview and thus also your view of the future. The feeling that you can present a nuanced image can also strengthen you in communicating it and that is good for your self-image.

Don’t think for the other

We are good at thinking about what someone will think or mean. But besides the fact that it is pointless energy, it is often wrong. Many people project and release their own thoughts on what the other person may say instead of actually delving into that other person. You make it easier on yourself and it is a lot clearer if you just ask what that person means. If you find that difficult, think about it yourself, but take it seriously. Putting everything into perspective just a little bit more makes things a lot easier.


These are often a number of aspects that you know, but do not apply or do not apply consistently. If there is no reason to do so, that is also logical. However, if you do not feel comfortable in an uncertain time, the aforementioned things can strengthen you. This in addition to objectively looking at your finances for now and the near future, not always being too serious and also enjoying the moment and enjoying what you have now.

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