The encyclicals Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo anno

The end of the 19th century was characterized by numerous new developments in both political and cultural fields. These modern changes were accompanied by great unrest within Europe. A Christian response seemed inevitable. This comes from the hands of Leo XII and Pius XI with their written encyclicals Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo anno.

Rerum Novarum

In the year 1891, Pope Leo XIII wrote his famous encyclical ‘Rerum Novarum’. In it, the Pope discusses developments in society in recent decades. It is particularly a Christian response to the rise of socialism and the labor movement. In On the New Things, Leo In this view he is in the same line as Marx’s teachings.

However, there are also major differences between the encyclical and Marxism. A big difference is the fact that Pope Leo The second difference can be noted that Marxism is in favor of a common ownership of the factors of production. The Pope sees nothing in this view and believes that man has the right to private property. Private possessions are in accordance with nature.

Returning to the disadvantaged position of the working class. Although the Pope approves of private property, he also disapproves of the individualism of the ruling class. All of whom are after even more profit and capital and only want to increase their own well-being. The ruling class must deal better with the other class. For example, the Pope advocates a fair wage, the right to property and solidarity for the inferior in society. In addition to these views, there is another idea that is characteristic of the Church. The Pope believes that women should take care of the family and that only men should work.

We see in these views that the Pope believes that the position of the working class must be improved. He sees a major role for the church in this. These could help the weakest in society through charity and the founding of organizations and trade unions.

Quadragesimo anno compared to its predecessor

In the encyclical ‘Quadragesimo anno’ (forty years later) we also find a certain middle path. Pope Pius XI, like his predecessor, seems to choose to stand between socialism and capitalism. Both encyclicals criticize both and strive for a kind of harmonious balance between both classes. In this equilibrium we can recognize a kind of first form of corporatism. Employers and employees should work harmoniously together for the betterment of all, it is about the general well-being of the entire society. To ensure this balance, the Church has an important role to play; Quadragesimo anno even speaks of the restoration of Christian society. Church organizations that attach great importance to church morals must ensure this recovery. Leo VIII tells us that the tenets of all unions must be based on religion. In addition to the important role of the Church, the Popes also place extra emphasis on the state, which should act in the interests of both classes.

What is so characteristic of the encyclical Quadragesimo anno and how does it differ from its predecessor, forty years older? It has been clear from the start that this encyclical is one big ode to the previous encyclical. Pius XI therefore speaks of the Magna Charta of the social order when he refers to Rerum Novarum. The subject of Rerum Novarum, the social issue, is also discussed in this encyclical, but the issue is now analyzed forty years later. It is precisely in that difference in time that the difference between the encyclicals also lies. Quadragesimo anno builds on the views that Leo VIII recorded on paper forty years earlier. The difference, however, is that Quadragesimo is now longer and the topics discussed in Rerum Novarum are discussed in more detail.

Pope Pius This difference can be explained on the basis of the developments that have taken place in the time between the encyclicals. The encyclical appeared at the time of the crisis years of the 1930s. The stock market crash of 1929 has just ended and Europe and the United States are entering a time of poverty and extreme unemployment. In addition, in the West there is the danger of communism that is trying to emerge in various countries. Following these developments, the Pope is forced to take a stricter stance and tries to solve the problems from a Christian perspective. That is why Pius XI also speaks of a restoration of Christian society based on Christian principles. A reformation of Christian morals. The Church should have the right and obligation to decide with supreme authority on matters of a social and economic nature. my view on

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