The importance of self-confidence

It sounds easy, self-confidence is important. But if you don’t really radiate self-confidence, this can have far-reaching consequences in your life. There can be all kinds of reasons why someone lacks self-confidence. Sometimes it is temporary and sometimes it is longer lasting, but it always affects life to a greater or lesser extent.

What is it?

Self-confidence says something about the extent to which you have confidence in yourself. That you can do things on your own strength and overcome obstacles yourself. An extension of this is of course also the extent to which you look realistically at what you are capable of. If you underestimate or overestimate yourself and cannot give substance to what you think you are going to do, this can be frustrating and lead to declining self-confidence. A realistic image increases the chance of success and the chance that you will find yourself worthwhile.


The previously sketched image that arises in your head is automatically reflected in your appearance. Self-confidence is something you see in people and is sometimes confused with arrogance. But confidence in your ability, doing it, allowing yourself to do it and thus loving yourself is a healthy basis. It is not arrogance in the sense that we usually mean arrogance and place it in a negative light. Loving yourself is also a basis for loving others.
Not to be confused with dressing yourself for confidence . You can dress as confidently as you can, but if your head and posture don’t radiate it, a sharp conversation partner will see through it.


Of course, self-confidence or the lack thereof is a result of something. However, the causes of this are diverse and can vary greatly, such as:

  • A negative or even depressive attitude to life
  • Setbacks in health, relationships and/or career
  • Too critical of yourself (possibly also inspired by your immediate environment)
  • Easily influenced by the environment and contrasting yourself with the ideal environment (for example on television, via the internet and magazines)
  • Not being able to handle criticism well (and possibly letting this reflect on yourself)
  • A neurological and/or psychological hypersensitivity


Stimulating self-confidence

If you are not naturally a self-confident man or woman, but you do want to stimulate it, there are options to stimulate the process. This way you will slowly but surely start to believe in yourself and your self-confidence will increase, with all the other consequences that entails.

Make a start…

Humanity is not structured in such a way that if you do not radiate that you are allowed to be there as a person, it will be taken over by the environment. Start with some thoughts and absorb them and try to experience them as such, namely:

  • You may be there as a person, you are a unique person. A slogan that you can apply to anyone and in fact that is true. However, it will only work if you experience and radiate it that way yourself. You can start with this by saying it to yourself frequently and regularly and feeling that it is true.
  • You are responsible for your own actions. Everything you do as adults has consequences and you have to accept them and deal with them well. This immediately means that you are consciously involved in the process and victories achieved, successes will be more memorable and you will radiate this.
  • Join . The game of life is to participate. Standing on the sidelines is watching from a distance and not experiencing anything yourself (for example out of fear). The chance that you will be “skipped” increases this way. Participating can also mean falling, but this also strengthens you as a person. The chance of appreciation from others also increases if something does not work out. The fact that you are active in life is the biggest step in this process and regardless of the environment, this can already strengthen your confidence in yourself.
  • Look ahead . Of course it is good to learn from mistakes, but the man or woman who has little self-confidence is more likely to translate a failure into fear of not falling again than to learn from the mistake and not make it again. This means that you have to close a mistake you have made, look ahead and remember that it will not happen again. The moment that feeling starts to prevail, you start to become more powerful and it increases your self-confidence (also visually).

If you are in the middle of the process, changing your appearance to that powerful man or woman can help you. For example, in business, a nice suit, a good haircut and a fresh appearance will enhance the overall picture. Just don’t let it depend on you, in the end the inside is really the most important thing!


In the vast majority of cases, if you really want to, you can take action to boost your self-confidence. While one person can do it themselves, the other needs (professional) help. When you are ready to work on yourself, everyone has to think for themselves what they want, you take that step and you are the only one who can do this.

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