Fear of the dentist

Fear of the dentist is more common than people think. Almost half of the Dutch population indicates that they are afraid of the dentist. A small portion of these patients find the dentist so scary that they have been postponing a visit to the dentist for years .

Fear of the dentist: what causes it?

Parents are increasingly waiting too long to take their small children to the dentist. Children who have not been taught from an early age to follow along during a visit to the dentist do not know what to expect. This creates an initial fear of the unknown.

On average, half of all five-year-old children have eight cavities: that is shockingly high. Once again, the responsibility lies with the parents: poor brushing in combination with too many sweets or the wrong food causes faster plaque growth. Because children go to the dentist too little or too late, plaque goes unnoticed. Children who then visit the dentist for the first time will immediately need to be treated thoroughly. Not a nice first meeting. Once again there will be a great fear of the dentist. This fear usually only arises later in life, when the awareness of the fear surfaces.

As can be seen, fear of the dentist often arises in early childhood. But fear of the dentist can also arise at an older age. This is often the case when a painful treatment suddenly has to be undergone, or when every visit ends in a painful or unpleasant treatment. Going to the dentist is then considered negative.

Is it right to be afraid of the dentist?

On average, 80,000 Dutch people are so extremely afraid of the dentist that they no longer go. Mild anxiety affects about 40 percent of the population. However, this group does go to the dentist with weak knees, because they know how to put dental health above fear. When fear takes over, as it did with the first group of people, other arguments are immediately swept aside. the fear is greater than any goal.

Being afraid of the dentist can be explained. There are many nerves in the mouth that are extremely sensitive. Dentin is also sensitive. If drilling is required, the sensitive dentin will also have to be drilled out. Teeth necks can also react sensitively to cold, something that often happens to the dentist when he rinses with water or compresses air. The gums are also sensitive and sometimes need to be treated. All these actions can sometimes be experienced as painful, despite the anesthetics that are administered.

In some cases, anesthesia is not even possible, such as in the case of acute inflammation that requires a root canal treatment. Although it is less common , in some cases the pain will be unbearable. Something no one wants to experience.

In other cases, fear is inherited by the parents. When parents admit that they are afraid of the dentist, children adopt this behavior without actually knowing whether this fear is justified. Behavior is easily copied by children. Moreover, parental anxiety is a signal that something is wrong. Children are sensitive to this and quickly pick up these signals.

In most cases , however, there is no reason to fear the dentist. Although some treatments are unpleasant, in most cases anesthesia can be effective. Technology continues to evolve and more and more can be done painlessly. The horror stories of the past have long since disappeared.

Why go to the dentist with fear?

If you don’t go to the dentist, you will have bad teeth. In the first years this seems to be not too bad, but inflammation may occur that is not visible. These will only break out at a later stage. The associated pain makes some people crawl to the dentist. At such a time it is often a relief to be helped by the dentist. Sometimes the tooth can still be saved, but often it is too late and it will have to be extracted. Anyone who does not go to the dentist for a very long time even runs the risk of losing several teeth.

Reasons to go to the dentist with fear

The following symptoms may be a good reason to go to the dentist, even if there is anxiety:

  • A nasty smell from the mouth that cannot be removed
  • Loose teeth or bleeding gums that cannot be remedied
  • Extremely sensitive to cold and heat, sweets and acids
  • A lot of pain in a molar or tooth, sometimes the molar is easy to identify, but sometimes the pain seems to be everywhere

Anyone who continues to experience the above symptoms without visiting the dentist will eventually experience more pain or lose teeth.

Tips for visiting the dentist

Always indicate in advance that you are extremely afraid: most dentists take this into account. Ask for an explanation from the dentist. Agree that a first visit consists of just looking and removing a little plaque. This way, a first visit certainly won’t be scary.

Bring someone with you on your next visit . Feel free to let this person sit near you: most dentists have no problem with this. Always ask for anesthesia if you are very anxious. An anesthetic feels like a small prick in the oral cavity, sometimes with a bad taste in the mouth. Then a numb feeling occurs. The treatment to be done will be painless. However, you can feel what is being done by pushing on the gums or a tooth. Headphones or earphones with music bring peace and relaxation. Or try to think of something nice. Feel free to let the person who came along tell you something nice. Think in advance what your deer likes best.

Agree with the dentist that you will raise your hand if you want a short break. Then take a deep breath and give the dentist permission to continue. Sometimes it helps to remember that a treatment just requires fifteen minutes to an hour of hard work, and then it’s over. That there have been much worse moments in your life or may yet come. It can all help make the visit less scary.

It is possible to first take a sedative. Discuss this with your own dentist in advance. This can indicate which drug is right for you.

The fear dentist

In the Netherlands there are more than 50 dentists who specialize in the treatment of patients with extreme anxiety. These dentists take the time for their patients and discuss everything step by step. They are not surprised if a patient cries or screams. They try to reassure the patient and the treatment is very calm and clear for the patient. It is even possible to undergo treatment under general anesthesia.

The anxiety dentist can be found in several places in the country. Often not everything is reimbursed by health insurance. Discuss this well in advance. A first consultation usually costs around 130 euros, of which 75% is reimbursed. A full anesthetic costs around 320 euros. This is not always reimbursed. For many people it is worth the money: within 1 to 2 hours the teeth are completely repaired or replaced without even noticing it.

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