Life lessons from your grandmother

Your grandmother has already had a significant number of years. In the past, when people could not yet read and write, wisdom was passed on from generation to generation. For example, what could you learn from your old grandmother?

Listen carefully to others

It is not without reason that the proverb is: ,Speaking is silver, silence is gold,. A much appreciated quality is being a good listener. You naturally listen carefully to what someone else has to say. In addition, you always remain critical. From each recommendation or tip, simply select what applies to you.

Don’t try to convert anyone to your vision of life

Don’t try to convert others. Maybe after some time you have found balance in your life. Do not try to convert someone else to your personal vision of life against their will. That urge to convert has already caused a lot of disaster in the world and can also alienate your friends and loved ones from you. Let everyone believe their own thing.

You can’t stop change

In general, the things that happen to us are overwhelmingly positive. The coin often falls in the right direction. Sometimes you just have bad luck, but most of the time things go well. At first you dread changes and think that they will only have negative consequences. Clinging too much to the old way of life is pointless. That just costs valuable energy. It is easier to let the current carry you than to swim against the current. Let yourself be carried away by the changes. Who knows, maybe unexpected, positive things will come out of it.

Is your glass half full or half empty?

The way you approach life can also make a big difference. Just as some see the glass as half full, others in the exact same situation see the glass as half empty. This can again cause a lot of unnecessary stress. A tip, for example, is to meditate to reduce the burden on your daily worries.

Encourage people

It is always easy to discourage others. Always try to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Avoid energy guzzlers. These are people who always criticize everything, but never take action themselves. Encourage others.

Defeat your worst enemy

Your worst enemy is yourself. You can fear something simple and small for years. For example, if you are afraid of public speaking, this can dominate your entire life and put a brake on your career. Seek professional help. Let yourself be coached and always take a small step towards victory. This can save you a lot of unnecessary worry.

Pursue your own dreams

Find out for yourself what you want to achieve in your life. Set realistic medium-term goals. Write down your goals and put them on your bedside table. Review your writing regularly and adjust your goals if necessary. It has been found that if you write down your goals, the chance that they will be achieved is much greater.

Live in the now

You don’t know what the future will bring. Enjoy it now! Create peace in your life and pay attention to the things you do. Beware of doom-mongering. Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a plan B or financial reserves for emergencies. However, be careful not to lose all your zest for life by worrying about things that will probably never happen. Make wise decisions, but don’t lose sight of the present.

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