The midlife crisis

It is so easily said when someone is not feeling well and the question is whether it is the midlife crisis. But if this is the case, what is a midlife crisis really. Midlife crisis comes from psychology and means so much or little that people between their mid-30s and late 40s come face to face with important issues in life, such as;

  • Where am I?
  • What do I (still) want?
  • Is there more to get out of it?
  • Is this what I expect or can expect from life?


When and why?

These and other issues of meaning often arise in the period when a place in society has been established after the adolescent period. You have realized a number of ideals that you had in mind during your adolescence. This could be the desired family, the ideal position and/or the desired place in society.

You work towards something for 30 or 40 years and then you are at the point where you wanted to be or almost are and what now. But it may also be that you had not planned out life for yourself in this way and yet you have arrived at a point where you consider whether what you have gotten out of life is everything. This can arise from disappointment, but also from the tension that came with getting to a certain point and now seems to have nothing new in store.
Rut is a word that people also like to use.

What is it?

It is an emotional state that arises from a certain kind of unrest and doubt. You have reached the point where you are somewhere in terms of age and life expectancy and now This reflection raises the questions above and even though a number of goals have been achieved, you may still have the feeling that there should be more to be achieved. If you do nothing, you will become dull and these questions can lead to the search for excitement, new things, etc.

Provided that not everyone experiences it, the duration of a midlife crisis varies greatly, but in general the duration for women is slightly shorter than in men.

Is there a cure? Not really, you have to go through the period . There is now a so-called Life Coach who can guide you during such a period. This Life Coach is popular in the United States and Great Britain, but whether it will actually make a difference remains to be seen.

Can it be bad? A bit of self-reflection in itself can’t hurt, but during this period some people sometimes go too far. Suddenly purchasing expensive luxury toys or entering into a relationship with someone significantly younger.

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