Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Why, Why is my head so confused, so restless inside, inside my head? my head is full, stop! it is enough, nothing more can be added, my thinking goes crazy, the thoughts are flying together, what is happening? what am I actually thinking? everything, nothing, I can’t follow it anymore

What is ADD?

ADD means Attention Deficit Disorder. It is an attention deficit disorder without the hyperactivity characteristic of ADHD. It is a syndrome usually characterized by serious and lasting problems resulting in:

  • poor concentration
  • poor control of impulses

ADD Usually not easily recognized. After all, children with this developmental disorder do not stand out because of difficult behavior. It is suggested that ADD also involves somewhat slower information processing in the brain. Yet these children indicate that their minds are busy, while outwardly they appear slow and thoughtful. For example, ADD is also referred to as ‘Dreamy Every Day’. There is no standard approach for the often difficult to recognize problem of children with ADD. The strengths and weaknesses of each child will have to be determined.


  • Being easily distracted by irrelevant things and sounds
  • Have difficulty planning and organizing
  • Having trouble completing tasks
  • Failure to concentrate on details and therefore making careless mistakes
  • Rarely follow instructions accurately and completely
  • Losing and forgetting things such as books, notebooks, pencil cases and items needed to complete a task
  • Tasks that require longer-term thinking cause resistance, such as school and homework



  • Give short tasks/assignments and offer them in phases and clearly
  • Give the student the opportunity to gain positive experiences by offering tasks with a high chance of success
  • Regularly seek (eye) contact with the student
  • Set short-term goals that are achievable
  • Give the student extra time to finish something
  • Give one command at a time
  • Teach a student to instruct himself while working. For example, use diagrams
  • Provides clear, concrete and short instructions
  • Ask the student to repeat the instructions to check that everything has been conveyed correctly
  • Provide alternatives if a lesson is canceled
  • Offer theory subjects when the student’s concentration is highest, preferably in the morning and at the beginning of the week
  • Increases the student’s self-esteem by assigning a responsible task
  • Make sure that the student stays working and does not get bored

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