Making daily rhythm cards

Daily rhythm cards are already widely used in schools. Now it is increasingly being used at home (privately). By using daily rhythm cards you can provide structure for yourself or your child(ren).

What are daily rhythm cards?

Daily rhythm cards are cards with an image or piece of text on it. Each card has a different image or text. These images indicate what is happening or going to happen that day, week or month.


Daily rhythm cards are used to try to structure the day or week. A child who needs a lot of structure can use these cards to see exactly what will happen that day or week. Through these cards you offer the child:

  • Structure.
  • Overview.
  • Peace.


Daily rhythm cards

Daily rhythm cards are often used for children with:

  • ADHD
  • ADD
  • Autism

It has been found that in families who use these cards, children accept and process changes more easily over time. These cards may be widely used for these target groups, but daily rhythm cards are good for every child. Every child requires structure, overview and peace. Now you can offer this through daily rhythm cards.

Making daily rhythm cards

Various daily rhythm cards can be ordered on the internet. You can also choose to make the cards yourself. If you want to make daily rhythm cards yourself, you must take the child into account. Create clear and simple images for the child. The child must be able to see at once what is happening that day or week. Templates for making your own daily rhythm cards can be found on the internet. There is no shortage of pictures for daily rhythm cards. You can devise various systems for hanging the daily rhythm cards, including:

  • Magnetic board.
  • Bulletin board.
  • Refrigerator.

If you make daily rhythm cards yourself, I think it is important to laminate them. This way the cards remain beautiful. You can hang them by using magnets. You can think of magnets such as those that are stuck on the refrigerator, but you can also use magnetic tape or a magnetic sheet. The latter is a pricey affair, the magnetic tape is a nice replacement and not expensive. The magnetic tape is available in stores and the magnetic sheet can be ordered through office supply stores. You can display the daily rhythm cards on a magnetic board. I personally opted for the refrigerator, which is a central place in our house and therefore clearly visible to everyone.

You can post any questions or other comments about daily rhythm cards at the bottom of this article.

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