Precepts of Yoga

It may sound strange, but you can fit yoga into your normal life with the greatest of ease and still think and act a little more broadly than just the yoga exercises. Yoga also goes further than that, although we do not always realize it.

Yoga exercises

The yoga exercises as we know them are suitable for everyone, even if you have little flexibility. If you can continue with the exercises, your body will automatically become more flexible. The exercises also focus on breathing, so good breathing also has an effect on the organs.


But yoga is more and although there are people who already live by it, consciously or unconsciously, we can still pay attention to it.

Give something

Giving something is not that difficult, many people may think, but for many people, real giving is not that easy. Real giving goes further than just a gift in the store. Especially during the holidays, it can be an extra element to use. Real giving is about something that comes from your heart and that can also be extra attention, for example. Think of someone who would like to give you that extra attention, but who just can’t get it due to being busy or something. For example, take an older person who lives a bit more isolated out for a day or go for a nice walk or shopping with someone you like. Start from the needs of the other person and put this person at the center.

Do something

Doing something can be very diverse. It could be a job in your own home, which you have been putting off for a while with the most diverse excuses. But it can also be a friend who helps you with something that you know will be a great pleasure to him/her. Or think of something to do that you just can’t get around to because of the busy days. This may be something for yourself or for someone else.

Think something

Slow down and take a moment for yourself in the form of meditation. Shut off from the world for a moment and let everything pass in review in your own train of thought. Give it a place or let a thought, if it is not desired, pass you by on a cloud. Better yet, think about nothing at all for a moment and experience how pleasant it is to have a clear head (this is certainly not a bad thing, especially in busy Western society).

By the way, shutting yourself down for a while might be something where we think of a separate space to have a moment for yourself in a comfortable position. But you can also disconnect yourself for a while by taking a brisk walk in the woods, walking along the coastline or another area where you can be alone in peace. After all, being alone and experiencing peace is the essence.

Am satisfied

When you ask people, many people initially say what is wrong. Only at a second glance does it become clear that a lot of things are okay. We focus on the negative things in life and for some reason that always floats to the top. You can also take as a starting point that you are simply satisfied with what you have. And whether this includes a full grant or not is actually not relevant at all. Count everything you have and the laundry list will be endless.


With some exceptions, we have become a materialistic people. We collect throughout life and attach ourselves to a certain level. A level that is acquired with a piece of status, money, power, etc. But the trick is to be able to let it go. Downsizing is the motto: what do you reasonably need to live a pleasant life? Letting go is an extremely difficult process, because an upward trend is seen as successful. You may wonder whether this is really the case. Provided that you like all kinds of materialistic things (jewelry, cars, houses, boats, etc.).

Live in the now

We are so busy with where we want to go, what we are aiming for, a goal, etc. And that in itself is fine, but you should not forget to live in the now. To take everything in, to enjoy the things that are going on now/what is happening to you now. It is also good to take in the surroundings and see how beautiful it is. Whether it is your garden in autumn mode, your home that has just been cleaned, the new duvet you just bought or the smell of a wonderful scented candle, it doesn’t matter. As long as you enjoy everything in the now.


These are not earth-shattering matters, but they are matters that can matter and make you aware of the present. Things that bring you closer to yourself and where you pay attention to yourself and your environment in the purest sense of the word. Give it a try and review it regularly. It certainly makes you feel rich mentally.

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