Starting a lat relationship

A lat relationship is not easy to start and keep free standing and happy. You have to be together and work to make this way of life possible. There are many couples who have been together in this way for years.

What is a lat relationship?

LAT is an abbreviation for ,Living Apart Together, relationship. This means that a couple of people in love choose to continue living separately instead of together in one shared residence. Couples in a lat relationship prefer this because they do not want to give up their independent life (for the time being) to live in a permanent relationship and live together. It may also be that they live too far apart, meaning that they cannot immediately jump into a permanent relationship due to working distances and so on. There are people who have been in a relationship with each other for years and are still perfectly happy.

Benefits of a lat relationship

  • Space and privacy: Two separate living areas provide more space for each other. For example, one of the partners can receive guests in the evening while the other can do his thing quietly in the other house.
  • Career: Some people work from home and need space to work, make phone calls, etc. This arrangement gives you the opportunity to fully concentrate on your work. Musicians can also rehearse more easily in this way of life.
  • Sleep: Sleeping can be difficult for some when someone else is in the same room. For example, your partner may start snoring, causing you to no longer be able to sleep.


Disadvantages of a lat relationship

  • Costs: Financing two homes is not easy, which is why it often happens that couples with a long-term relationship sell their house to each live in a cheaper apartment.
  • Children: If you have a child together while you are in a long-term relationship, it is not very nice for the child because he or she always has to go back and forth from father to mother and thus does not get any regularity in his or her life, which is important for a child. . A child will also have a harder time understanding why his mom and dad live separately while other friends and their parents live together.


How do I start it and leave it standing?

A lot of communication is important in this type of relationship. Talk a lot to your partner about how he or she always feels happy this way. If one of the two no longer feels comfortable continuing a relationship in this way, conclusions must be drawn and consultations must be held about the further course of your relationship, otherwise tensions will arise in your relationship after a while. will not be beneficial. If you want to go all the way, you make clear agreements together about how your relationship will proceed: how you will divide the costs, do you want to have children, will you always meet at his or her home or say you will alternate visits. By talking a lot with each other about everyone’s needs, you can certainly bring this relationship to a successful conclusion and live a happy life.

A lat relationship and benefits?

Many questions on the internet regarding a lat relationship mainly concern the question of what happens if you enter into a lat relationship with a person who receives benefits. This does not change the situation at all because it is only revised when you have a joint household. We speak of a joint household when the two people live together in the same home and bear the costs of the household together.

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