Do what you are good at

It seems so obvious to ‘do what you are good at’, but in practice it is different. We are all born with a set of qualities and over the years most people have the opportunity to develop this set. Besides the fact that not everyone uses this, there is also a group of people who deal with this in the wrong way. What’s up with that?

Your set of qualities

Everyone is born with a set of qualities, but what is inside does not come out automatically – very plastically speaking. It is important in a child’s development to have sufficient space to discover and learn. On the one hand because this is good for development in any case and on the other hand to find out exactly where those qualities lie. This does not mean that they come out of a box like a devil, but you can detect certain qualities at a young age if you observe carefully. The American professor Finder previously explained it in little detail: raising children is more than just giving the child shelter and food. That process of raising and developing takes about 20 years and if you want to do it well, it is very intensive.

Source: Own nephew and niece – Annastaal

While many parents/educators refer to the school to develop a child’s skills , many qualities, or perhaps even more, are developed outside the school walls. As an example, the boy or girl who has been given leadership skills in the set of qualities is often the one who already plays a pioneering role at a young age. The initiator, the starter and the one who gets people involved and this can already be expressed while playing with friends. But even someone who is naturally organizationally strong can take it for granted that he or she will arrange an outing, ensure that things are arranged, etc. These kinds of qualities come, assuming that someone has a normal childhood, often at a young age. forward.
But also when something drastic happens in young life, for example the death of a parent. Things have to be done that the deceased parent did in the past and children often take over tasks as a matter of course. You will then quickly discover where the qualities lie. These are often not conscious processes, but happen in a natural flow and as a matter of course.


Then at some point you will realize what you are good at and where you need to put in relatively little effort. It is not self-evident that you no longer do anything, which costs you more time and energy. After all, a course always has a number of subjects that are not so close to you, but for general education it is good that they are included in the learning package.
Yet, giving substance to your qualities is important at every stage of life. After all, the student who is good at converting the word into writing can, for example, further improve his skills in the school newspaper. Someone who is extremely meticulous and has a thing for sports can record the results of athletics competitions, for example. The multitude of components and participants make these types of results extremely precise work. Or someone who can see with their hands what their eyes see and who enjoys technology, may be able to detect and solve problems with the moped at a young age and without training, or see difficult technical toys as child’s play. The list of examples is endless, but it requires space in education to be able to take those steps.

Apply in practice

But when you do get started and hope that you have followed the right training, it is really just beginning. Moreover, the group of people who do not end up in the work for which they studied is still large (measurement outside the period of economic recession). Only about 28% of people start work that is an extension of their studies.

Applying it in practice can work out well, even if you do other work. The organizational qualities of a secretary can also be expressed in a completely different job. Just like the creative qualities that can be expressed in a management position. In cases like this, it often does not even happen through a conscious process, but if you fully develop as a person and do not act from, for example, fear or suspicion, your qualities will naturally emerge and you may interpret them in a different way. One of the reasons that more and more people switch professions later in life also has to do with this process.

Bron: Clker Free Vector Images, Pixabay

Wrong turn
Although fortunately many things go well, things sometimes go wrong. For example, you see that relatively many self-employed entrepreneurs think they have to do everything themselves. Besides the fact that you can never be good at everything, you also have to consider why you became a self-employed entrepreneur. Your love for a certain thing can and possibly will have drawn you and shaping this from your own business can then be the best thing to do. Like a fish in water until administration or accounting comes around the corner, organizing your files or writing your website texts.
Saving money may be a reason, but if you convert the time required into money, you could earn more money doing what you like and do well than saving on something you cannot do so well or quickly. In other words, let everyone do what he or she is good at. Moreover, it also prevents a lot of annoyance. Think about these things in advance, otherwise it can take away from your enjoyment.

Another less fortunate choice can also be a safe choice. After all, if you only live for security, a job that offers a little more security than your qualities can also frustrate you (over time). You may have to ask yourself at that point whether more safety is ultimately the right choice. After all, it also deprives you of a lot of the pleasure of life. Safety is not frumpy or old-fashioned, it is just a choice. However, it is a choice that also has consequences. Realizing in advance which step you are going to take can prevent worse or regret.


Ultimately, it has been shown that those who make good use of their qualities perform better and are happier. Life then seems to become a little easier, which can also help in dealing with setbacks (which almost no one can avoid). You should be given the chance in your youth and take the chance when you get older. After all, it is your own life and you alone are the owner of it.

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