Student life: How do I throw a good party?

Students are known for parties, sleepless nights and fun. Throwing a party yourself is of course also a lot of fun, if you know how to go about it. In this article you can read some tips for organizing a good party.

Tip 1: Location

The location of the party is very important, do you choose a house party, a garden party, a party or, if necessary, a party in a rented location. When choosing a location, you should take the number of guests into account. A house party is a lot of fun, but if a lot of guests come, this can quickly get out of hand. It is then better to choose another option, such as renting a room or a bar. It is also very nice to add a bit of atmosphere to the location. You shouldn’t make things too difficult about this. Some decoration is soon enough, as long as it looks nice.

Tip 2: The invitation

Provide a personal invitation, so no email or text message, but for example a card by post or simply verbally. People will be more likely to accept your invitation because you address them personally.

Tip 3: Create an atmosphere

Getting a party started is always very difficult, but you can make this easy for yourself. Make sure there are enough friends who you know are people who create atmosphere. Also make sure that no groups form. Groups form when you invite a lot of people who only know a few people to your party and no one else.

Tip 4: Food and drinks

Make sure there is enough to eat and drink. Vary this in alcoholic drinks but also non-alcoholic drinks for people who do not drink alcohol. Also make sure you have enough food. People will get hungry later in the evening. A few examples of things you can serve to your guests are:

  • Potato chips
  • Nuts
  • Sweets
  • Meatballs
  • Bitter garnish


Tip 5: Music

Music is very important at a party. Make sure you have different types of music so you can easily switch. It’s also nice to ensure that your guests can choose the music themselves. This way, the guests put on the music they like and you don’t have to worry about the music.

Tip 6: Clean up

Make sure you don’t clean up during your party. There is nothing more unpleasant than cleaning up while your party is still going on. Afterwards, if there are only a few people left, ask if they would like to help you clean up. This saves a lot of work and is often more pleasant.

Tip 7: Sleeping places

Make sure that there are always some sleeping places available for people who have to come from far away or for people who can no longer go home. These people can also help with cleaning up after the party.

Tip 8: Organization

Think carefully in advance when you want to throw your party. Don’t rush to arrange everything because then you will forget things. Also do your shopping for your party in time so that you are not faced with any surprises when the time comes.

Tip 9: Theme party

A theme party always goes down very well. Think of a nice theme in advance that appeals to everyone and stick to this theme with the decoration.

Tip 10: Dancing

If you want to let your guests dance at your party, you can choose to place fewer chairs. This way people have to stand and if the music is good, people will dance faster.

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