Tying a tie – Step by step instructions

Tying a tie seems like a very simple task. However, for many men this is a major challenge. It’s not that they can’t do it. In most cases, they don’t know how to tie their ties quickly but beautifully. It can be annoying to ask for help from someone who has more experience in this area every time you need to tie your tie. To change that, here are step-by-step instructions on how to tie your own tie in the future.

Wrapping the tie around your neck

The only things you need are your tie and a mirror. First you need to wrap the tie around your neck. You must be careful that the points of the tie are almost at the same height. You should hold the point of the wider part of your tie a little further down. You must then check in the mirror whether the tie is hanging correctly. The correct way means that the front of the wide part is facing up and the back of the narrow part is facing up. The next step is to wrap the wide part of the tie over the narrow part. You then have to move the narrow part to the other side. After this step, the two parts form an inverted V.

Twisting the tie

Next, you need to take the wide part of the tie and twist it around the narrow part. This way the inverted V will appear again. Now it looks different. The narrow and wide parts have now swapped places with each other. Also, the wide part is inverted after this step. Now both parts are hanging with their backs facing up. The wide part now needs to be turned one more turn. After you have done this, the wide part will lie over the narrow part again, the front will then be upwards.

Fastening the tie

Securing the tie is the most difficult step. To do this, you need to grab the wide part of the tie. Next, you need to hold the half knot you just made with one hand or finger while folding the wide part of the tie upwards. This must now end up under the tie. You now have to pull the wide point up near your neck. You should try to slide it into that knot as neatly as possible. You must always hold the knot carefully. When the wide point comes out of the knot at the bottom, you can carefully tighten it.

Positioning your tie

So now your button is in place. It probably still hangs a bit loose and low. The final step is to hold the knot with one hand while pulling the wide part of the tie with the other hand. This way you get the button against your collar. You must do this as carefully as possible to avoid pulling the tie too tight and having to start all over again. You can now look in the mirror to see whether the button and tie are straight.

A few tips

Be careful not to tie your tie too tightly. There are several ways to tie a tie, but this is the most popular method. It may take a long time to tie your tie the first few times. But you shouldn’t give up too quickly.

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