Be economical with your water consumption and tips to save money

Whether you want to save money because of our environment or because your financial situation is ‘on a dime’, the savings tips remain the same. You can save water with technical gadgets, but simply being economical with water also works and does not require any investments. Using less hot water and less hot water also results in lower energy consumption and a lower energy bill. Perhaps a shame for your energy supplier, but good for you and our environment. The tips are organized by room in the house. There are also possibilities within your company.

Save water in the toilet

  • If you still have an old-fashioned, high-hanging cistern in the toilet, you can save on flushing water by placing a brick in the cistern.
  • If your toilet has a low water tank, you can flush the toilet with soap collected from the washing machine or with rainwater or with water in which you washed your vegetables.
  • If your toilet has a modern, low water tank, it often already has two flush buttons: one for a larger quantity of water and one for a smaller quantity of water. Be consistent in use. You can of course rinse again with water that has already been used.


Save money in the bathroom

  • If you have a shower, shower for less time or less often. Shower less often? Yes, you can also wash at the tap! You will be just as clean, but you will use much less water. In the past, everyone only went to the tub once a week.
  • Do you have a bath? Fill the bath less often than you are used to and bathe less often. Only take a bath if you have plenty of time and want to really pamper yourself. In the meantime, you quietly muse about other, more affordable ways to pamper yourself
  • You can also save water when showering and bathing because you really don’t have to wash your hair every day. If you wash your hair every day, only the shampoo manufacturer benefits and your hair will only become greasy faster.
  • If you are used to showering nice and hot, lower the temperature. Beneficial for energy consumption and energy bills. Moreover, it is better for your skin and you also need fewer skin care products!


The laundry room

When washing with your washing machine, you can also save water.

  • Collect the soap from the rinse and use it, for example, to scrub your sidewalk or to flush the toilet.
  • Only wash with a full washing machine.
  • See if your machine has an economy program that uses less water than other washing programs. Many modern washing machines have eco programs
  • You can also air out your clothes on your own. Not every shirt needs to be washed every day.
  • You can also wash at a lower temperature. Then you will not use less water, but you will use less energy and you will receive a lower energy bill from your energy company!


The kitchen

Here too you can make your move by following the following tips.

  • Do not leave the tap running unnecessarily when brushing your teeth, but use a cup of water to rinse your mouth.
  • When you wash your hands, wet your hands and the soap briefly, turn off the tap, wash your hands thoroughly and then rinse them.
  • Also be careful with water when cooking. A recipe often states “fill with plenty of water”. How much water is that? See if you can do it with less than you usually do. It is useful to check this with a measuring cup. For example, first boil the potatoes with 1 liter of water, then with 9 deciliters, 8 deciliters… until you can no longer use less water. Moreover, cooking with less water is healthier!
  • Always put the lid on the pan while cooking. This means less water evaporates. At the same time you use less gas or electricity.
  • Do not wash each plate separately, but wait until you have a nice pile of dishes on your counter. Really, it saves water.
  • Do you wash dishes in a tub? Then make sure your tub is not too big. A larger bowl quickly leads to greater water consumption.
  • Do you have a dishwasher? Only wash the dishes when your dishwasher is full.

Another option: wash the least dirty items first and save the greasy pans for last. This prevents you from needing clean water halfway through washing dishes. And: first clean a greasy frying pan with some kitchen paper before putting the pan in the soapy water.

The living room

  • If you have plants in the living room, water them with the water in which you washed the vegetables or with rainwater. This of course also applies to all your plants in all other rooms!
  • For many plants, watering once a week is sufficient. Especially if you have a lot of cacti or succulents!


The garden

It may not be a departure, but you can also save water and money in the garden.

  • Only water when really necessary. Fortunately, water falls from the sky regularly.
  • Collect rainwater in a rain barrel for dry times.
  • Plant ground covers: the more densely vegetated your garden is, the less water evaporates.
  • You can also water your garden with the water in which you washed your vegetables.
  • You can also use any leftover cooled herbal tea in the garden.
  • Use a watering can because you can water more precisely with a watering can than by spraying. Spraying is only useful for a lawn, but pay attention to how long you leave your sprinkler on.


The garage

Here you can save money when washing your car, motorcycle, moped, bicycle or scooter.

  • Use a bucket of soapy water instead of a water hose. Really, if you always have to fetch a bucket of clean water, you will naturally use less water.


Tips that apply to all rooms

You can save water in all rooms (with or without windows) by cleaning sparingly. You really don’t have to clean the windows every week.

  • See if half a bucket of water instead of a whole bucket is sufficient. At the same time, be economical and careful with cleaning products. That also saves money and you pollute the water you use less.


Conclusion about using less water in your home or business

Whether it’s unnecessary waste of fresh water or your money or both, paying close attention to your water consumption is always valuable. If you also limit your hot water consumption, you will also save on your energy consumption and energy bill!

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  • A dime on its side: book with money and saving tips
  • Cutting back on books: tips to save money
  • Reduce your energy consumption and save money
  • Save money? How and why to cut back on your expenses
  • You can also save money on gardening, with cost-saving tips

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