Motivating employees

Here you will find tips to motivate employees. These tips do not cost extra money and do work. Read all about motivating unmotivated employees here.

Motivating employees

Almost all employers have had to deal with unmotivated employees at some point. Sometimes someone is temporarily unmotivated, but it also often happens that an employee is unmotivated for a long time. If employees are not motivated, this costs money, as a motivated employee has higher labor productivity than an unmotivated employee. As an employer, it is therefore important to motivate your employees. Here you can find some ways to motivate your employees.

Motivate employees through positive feedback on their work

providing positive feedback on their work .
People who feel valued will generally become more motivated to do their work. You can simply compliment employees, but you can also choose to explain your appreciation in a short conversation. In short, show gratitude for their work.

Incentivize unmotivated employees with enthusiasm

If you are enthusiastic about your work yourself, you can transfer this enthusiasm to others. New employees are often very motivated, so it can be beneficial for a team to hire a new employee every now and then. This does not necessarily have to be expensive, you can also choose to have someone work in another department , hire a temporary worker or take on an intern.

Communicate with employees

This sounds quite easy, but in practice this does not always happen. If an employee does not know what you expect from him or her, the threshold for cutting corners is lower. So always state clearly what you expect from the employee. This could be a certain turnover productivity, but also things like being on time or looking neat. If you set boundaries for employees, in many cases they will appreciate this.

Allow employees to continue to grow

Large companies already do this, small companies often forget. Career opportunities are an important motivation for many people to go to work. Creating career opportunities can be quite simple. For example, you can choose to convert one function into three functions. For example, junior accountant, self-employed accountant and senior accountant. This will not increase wage costs; if you reduce the junior salary by fifty euros, the senior salary will increase by fifty euros. This way you can create career opportunities.

Increase the range of tasks to keep employees motivated

If an employee performs the same task for a long time, the routine will eventually cause the person to become less motivated. Increasing the range of tasks can ensure that employees continue to experience challenges in their work. Make sure that solidarity within the team is guaranteed. After all, shifting tasks can lead to great frustration.

Firing unmotivated employees

Not every employee is a good fit for every company. Sometimes the best solution for a company is to fire an unmotivated employee. An unmotivated employee can demotivate other employees. To break such a spiral, dismissing the employee can offer a solution. This is also a clear signal for the other employees. After all, if you work hard yourself, you don’t want someone else not to do the same.

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