Does my child use drugs?

It seems to be becoming increasingly normal among young people that they will one day experiment with drugs. 1 in 3 young people try out what it is like to use drugs, and 4% of young people even become addicted to them. As a parent, how do you notice that your child is using drugs? What symptoms should you pay attention to? In any case, talk to your child a lot. This way you will discover each other’s positions on this subject and you can come to conclusions together.

Drug use among young people

Drugs have become an indispensable part of our society. Every child sooner or later comes into contact with it. This can be both positive and negative. Some young people will have none of it and immediately distance themselves from it. But others find it all interesting and might want to give it a try. It is therefore not wrong to at least educate your child in this area. Talk to your child regularly about drugs and their consequences. Also familiarize yourself with your child’s environment. Who is he hanging out with? And what does he actually think about drug use?


There are a number of physical symptoms and changes in the child’s behavior that may indicate drug use. Of course, the symptoms below do not necessarily mean that the child is using drugs. But if you have a strong suspicion about these symptoms, it is not wrong to discuss this with your child.


  • Red eyes
  • Dilated pupils
  • Child looks pale
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Often tired and listless
  • Decreased appetite
  • Child suddenly seems to be getting thinner



  • Exhibits aggressive behavior
  • Your child is suddenly spending a lot of money, but you don’t know what
  • Your child lies about where he has been
  • Skip class
  • School results are getting worse
  • The child smells like weed
  • Your child is absent and reacts slowly
  • Your child laughs at everything, and doesn’t seem to be able to stop laughing
  • Huge mood swings
  • You know that your child’s friends use drugs
  • Drugs are used at the school your child attends
  • The child is very insecure and does not know how to behave in a group


Start the conversation

If you strongly suspect that the child is using drugs, talk to him about it. This can be very difficult! Because how do you start such a conversation without immediately antagonizing an adolescent? In any case, always remain calm and calm, even when you are actually cooking inside. The child will probably not immediately admit that he or she is using drugs. He will first want to check whether you are not going to get angry after all, and will therefore adopt a wait-and-see attitude. Don’t go on about the subject for too long either. It is more convenient to start the conversation again a few days later. Slowly but surely, the teenager will understand that you are open to a conversation about this. Try to find out the reason for the drug use. Is it purely experimental? Or does the child want to give an attitude by using narcotics? Little by little you will understand each other a little more. Also be absolutely open to the child’s opinion! Because there will always be a reason behind it. But also make it clear to the child how you feel about it and what your views are regarding drug use.

Of course, there are also young people for whom the conversation does not work at all. As a parent you can feel incredibly powerless . Remember, you are not failing as a parent if your child experiments with drugs! Make sure that you have someone around you who you trust, so that you can always fall back on someone if necessary. In some cases, the child will come around on his own and realize that drugs will not get him any further. In other cases, professional help is needed to get the child back on track. Fortunately, there are many agencies that have experience with teenagers and drug problems.

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