Sustainable consumption is conscious consumption

Sustainable consumption means adopting a conscious attitude when it comes to what you buy and why. Sustainable consumption is achieved by not or hardly harming people or the environment. A conscious consumer is critical and continuously wonders how and under what conditions a product is made, where it comes from and how much CO2 emissions production and transport cost. But why is adopting this lifestyle often a challenge? What are the pitfalls and tricks when it comes to a sustainable lifestyle?

What is sustainable consumption?

Sustainable consumption is consuming without harming people or the environment. A sustainable consumer is critical and continuously wonders how a product is made, where it comes from and whether child labor, animal suffering or toxic substances are involved during the production process. A sustainable consumer also does not use/purchase more than necessary and ensures recycling or reuse.

What are the stumbling blocks?

Sustainable consumption is relatively simple. Why is it that the majority of people still find it difficult to switch to a sustainable lifestyle? There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the sustainable variants of products are relatively expensive compared to the ‘mass production kind’. Then sustainable consumption quickly becomes something for wealthy people, while in the long term it is healthier for everyone, regardless of the environment where someone comes from. In addition, supermarkets and specialty stores do not always offer sustainable items or offer too few. As a consumer, you are unfortunately forced to choose from a limited number of options. Really just an illusion of choice, since you can’t buy something that isn’t on the shelves. Fortunately, more and more online stores are emerging that are filling this gap in the market. For example, on you can look up stores that offer sustainable products and services. Not only in the field of food & drinks, but also in the field of energy saving, gifts and cosmetics.

Encourage sustainable entrepreneurship

By systematically purchasing or asking for sustainable products, we as consumers can put pressure on companies that pollute the environment, have factories in countries, that violate human rights or that simply do not offer sustainable products as an alternative. In this way, companies and brands are also motivated to do business sustainably.

Interesting websites about sustainable consumption

Sustainable consumption is a lifestyle. Sometimes as a consumer you simply don’t know any better than what you were taught by a previous generation. But (bad) habits can be broken. It is useful to know that there are all kinds of websites and blogs that offer tips for living sustainably.

Environment Central

Milieu Centraal is an independent information organization that provides consumers with practical information about the environment and energy in daily life.

Sustainability compass

The is about sustainable news, reviews and eco competitions. The website has several bloggers, each of whom takes a fresh look at the theme from their own expertise. was chosen as the best green weblog in 2010, received the Green Ribbon for best local initiative in 2014 and was chosen by in 2017 as one of the best weblogs in the field of sustainability. In addition, in 2018, has a section called DK Deals where you, as a conscious consumer, can get a discount on green/sustainable products.

It’s possible

An extensive weblog with many different bloggers who approach sustainability from their own perspective and tell how you can make your world greener, fairer and more fun. They reach approximately 400,000 visitors every month.

Other interesting websites

By registering for Sustainable Agenda, you can subscribe to sustainable news and/or activities in the field of sustainability, just like for Groene Loop and De Betere Wereld.

Tips for sustainable consumption

  • Choose products with environmental labels
  • Practice waste separation
  • Save energy
  • Use green energy
  • Travel environmentally consciously and more economically
  • Invest sustainably

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